Safe House/Shelter
If you are in danger, Turning Point is here.
Our Safe House Emergency Shelter provides shelter within a communal living environment. We offer a temporary refuge where you may access options: counseling, community information, resources, individual advocacy, comfort, and security. Children’s accommodations and programs are available.
This emergency shelter is a safe place for victims of domestic and intimate partner abuse can flee while they explore their options.
Our Safe House provides people a living environment that is free from violence, often for the first time in their lives. Children learn by example that one can live without violence. Staff and volunteers model non-violent behavior and encourage adults to use non-violent parenting alternatives with their children and non-violent conflict resolution with other shelter residents.
The Safe House location is confidential and secure, with 24-hour staff coverage.
To speak to our staff about our Safe House Emergency Shelter, individuals must first call our 24/7 Helpline at 610-437-3369.

"My Turning Point was when I realized I was worth it! He made me feel less but thanks to Turning Points help I know I’m worth it. 11 years strong!"
~ Val