Staff & Board
The strength of Turning Point of Lehigh Valley has always been the commitment of its staff and volunteers. We nurture a culture of excellence that attracts the best and brightest people in our community. Our staff and Board members are passionate about our mission and deeply committed to making a positive and lasting difference in the lives of the people we support.
TPLV Staff
Lori Sywensky
Executive Director
Megan R. Bennicoff
Director of Operations
Laura Ferreri
Chief Program Officer
Miriam Rivera
Community Advocates Director
Marlena Flora
Legal Advocacy Director
Meghan Baker
Director of Advancement
Jodie Tawwab
Director of Housing Advocacy
Geraldine Infante
Children's Advocacy Director
Melissa Grimmer
Training and Education Director
Jahkeema McGruder
Transitional Housing Director
TPLV Board of Directors
Why is being on the board of directors at Turning Point of Lehigh Valley and being an advocate for domestic and intimate partner abuse survivors important to you?

Lauren Wieser, President
CPA Director, (CLA) CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
"I am passionate about Turning Point because they go above and beyond to help our community every day. Turning Point provides people with a safe and welcoming place to go, and that is something every person deserves to have. I am both proud and excited to be part of this amazing organization."

Paul Mazzucco, Treasurer
TierPoint, LLC, Chief Security Officer
"In my career, I’ve collaborated with law enforcement agencies worldwide, and developed a thorough, systematic understanding of the behavioral profiles of cyber criminals. That experience, in turn, has offered me a unique perspective on developing processes and programs that help protect my employer and clients. The opportunity to apply such skills to an organization like Turning Point, which works to improve the lives of victims of domestic abuse, is a challenge I welcome and for which I believe I’m well suited. The timing is right to use my experience with other for profit and non-profit boards to give back to my local community. Turning Point was my first choice for this journey and I'm humbled to be a part of such a great organization."

Joan T. Holtman, Treasurer
Senior Director, Primary Care, St. Luke's University Hospital and Health Network
"I have seen firsthand the mental and physical damage suffered by victims of domestic violence. I watched a very close friend's confidence and personality literally wither over a period of a few years. This was eye opening to me. 30+ years ago help for victims was hard to find and emotional abuse was barely recognized.
Again years later, I saw evidence of physical abuse with a co-worker who eventually relocated to the west coast with her children. It was at that time I learned of Turning Point and the important work being done. Domestic Violence occurs regardless of level of education or socio-economic status. Valuable resources such as Turning Point needs to continue to be available and grow to assist helping those victims be safe, build their confidence so they may go on to build new and productive lives. I am honored to help support this organization."

Carolyn Harper, Secretary
Harper & Associates, Principal
"It is an honor to be able to serve on Turning Point’s Board. I believe that serving on the Board allows me to continue my dedication to being an advocate and voice for individuals who often have no place to turn for help and resources. To be a part of a team working so diligently for those who have experienced the trauma and danger of domestic abuse is a privilege. The position on the Board gives me the opportunity to bring my passion, life’s purpose, and professionalism to fruition within a Board that is focused on making a difference in the lives of others who have been subjected to domestic and intimate partner abuse."

Cameilia Baker, MBA
Lehigh Valley Hospital, Director of Emergency and Hospital Medicine
"I am honored to be a part of an organization that enables me to invest in my community. I am deeply committed to reducing the stigma associated with domestic and intimate partner violence. Serving on the Turning Point board of directors allows me to give back to my community while advocating for those who do not have a voice."

Nadine Bean, PhD, LCSW
Professor Emerita, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
“I have been a licensed, clinical social worker for over 30 years and have served children and families in the early intervention systems and child welfare systems in both isolated, rural Ohio communities and urban areas in Maryland and Pennsylvania. I also do pro bono counseling with veterans and military families through the organization Give an Hour. In both my personal and professional lives, I have seen the impact of trauma, including that from domestic and intimate partner abuse on lifelong health. I have also been inspired by those individuals and families that survive and are able to build resilience. I have always been a fierce advocate for underserved families. I am honored to serve on the board of Turning Point and continue my advocacy work.”

Taylor R.D. Briggs, Esquire
Norris McLaughlin, P.A., Trusts & Estates Attorney
“Growing up, I saw the sadness that resulted from teen intimate partner online abuse and was determined to find a way to help. When I started volunteering for Turning Point, I was astounded by its tangible impact on the daily lives of survivors. I am honored to be able to serve an organization that truly changes lives and has tremendous programs to promote courage, tenacity, and abuse prevention.”

Sylvia Doyle
Desales University, Fundraising, Donor Relations and Event Planning

Marissa LaWall, Esq.
Pennsylvania Health Law Project, Supervising Attorney
"Years ago, I witnessed firsthand the impact Turning Point had on the life of a friend of mine who was a survivor of intimate partner violence. Serving on the Board of Directors for Turning Point is an honor to me, as I am able to help an organization that directly assists survivors by giving them a place to turn in my community when they need help. I have dedicated my legal career to helping some of Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens obtain healthcare services, and I look forward to bringing that passion for advocacy to Turning Point."

Jenn Moore
Avesis Incorporated, Quality Assurance Manager
"During my career, I have had the opportunity to work in non-profit organizations with strong missions. I think most times the mission is key to engagement from staff and board members. I am very drawn to the mission of Turning Point. The loss of a dear friend, and colleague, to domestic homicide, was the unfortunate catalyst that inspired me to become more involved in the community and learn about domestic violence. Turning Point has been a great ally in my educational journey and my understanding about domestic violence. I'm passionate about the work Turning Point does across the Lehigh Valley, spreading awareness, and supporting survivors and their families. It's an honor to serve Turning Point and support their mission and those they serve in the community."

Michelle Laureano Roque
Director, Mujer Lehigh Valley La Revista
"It Is important for me because I know that the work Turning Point of Lehigh Valley does is making a change in our community. I'm a survivor. Turning Point was the key that helped me understand the dynamics of abuse and gave me the tools to break the circle and better myself. Now I feel a responsibility to give back what was given to me.

Shannon Semmel-Ciamacco
Deputy Chief, Lehigh County Juvenile Probation
“Working in the Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice systems for the past two decades, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible work of Turning Point through advocacy, outreach, emergency shelter care, and court accompaniment programs. I understand the important role that Turning Point plays in the Lehigh Valley and I am proud and honored to be a part of this board in order to help achieve its mission of eliminating domestic and intimate partner violence.”

Sean Wacker
Gallagher Benefits Consulting, Area VP
"Many individuals have either personally experienced, or know someone who has personally experienced domestic abuse. Being able to advocate and professionally support an organization that provides a safe haven for those individuals, and provides what can be the start of a new beginning to anyone facing this challenge is a larger than life cause is personally fulfilling and supports my intentions of making the world a better place."