Lehigh Valley A.B.A.T.E. 2022 Toy Run

Donations will benefit Turning Point of Lehigh Valley and Easton Area Community Center. Drop off location: Dorney Park parking lot between 9:00am-11:45am. Kickstands up at 12:00noon to Easton Area Community Center, 901 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042. In addition to toys, full size personal hygiene items are also welcome for children and teens. Visit or…

Domestic & Intimate Partner Abuse-Recognize, Respond, Refer -Medical Staff


Every Tuesday in November medical health and allied health professionals, office staff, and students, can join our Medical Advocate, Melissa, for a drop-in session and learn about the highlights of our services, an overview of what domestic and intimate partner abuse is, health implications, Traumatic Brain Injury, and best practice in screening and referral. Register…