Virtual Training- Recognize, Respond, Refer (for Community Members)

Training Summary: Learn to recognize signs of intimate partner abuse, in order to protect, support, and refer survivors in a trauma-informed way. Training Description: This introductory training will build foundational knowledge and discuss the main concepts surrounding domestic and intimate partner abuse. Community members from all backgrounds will expand their awareness to identify the warning…

Virtual Training – Recognize, Respond, Refer for Healthcare Professionals

This presentation delivers an overview of domestic and intimate partner abuse, including health implications, trauma, brain injury, and best practice in screening, responding to disclosure, and offering referral. The training also highlights the survivor-centered services offered by Turning Point of Lehigh Valley. Participant takeaways include: What is domestic and intimate partner abuse How healthcare providers…

Virtual Training – Brain Injury Basics and HELPPS Screening for Healthcare Professionals

Brain injury among survivors of domestic and intimate partner abuse is incredibly prevalent. Often, abuse injuries occur to the head, neck, and face region, making the likelihood of a brain injury in survivors, probable. This training will cover: The prevalence of brain injury among DIPA survivors Familiarize and guide participants to use the HELPPS screening…

Volunteer & Mentor Virtual Meet & Greet

Interested in supporting our work? Apply to be a volunteer or a mentor to learn more information on how you can support what we do! More Information on Volunteer Program: More Information on Mentor Program: