Virtual Training
Virtual Training- From Surviving to Thriving: Fostering Healthy Relationships and Supporting Survivors of Abuse
Training Description: Join us as we dive into the essentials of healthy relationships, emphasizing key dynamics such as respect, boundaries, empowerment, and communication. We'll explore the differences between healthy and…
Virtual Training- From Surviving to Thriving: Fostering Healthy Relationships and Supporting Survivors of Abuse
Training Description: Join us as we dive into the essentials of healthy relationships, emphasizing key dynamics such as respect, boundaries, empowerment, and communication. We'll explore the differences between healthy and…
Virtual Training – Recognize, Respond, Refer for Healthcare Professionals
This presentation delivers an overview of domestic and intimate partner abuse, including health implications, trauma, brain injury, and best practice in screening, responding to disclosure, and offering referral. The training…
Virtual Training – From Surviving to Thriving: Fostering Healthy Relationships and Supporting Survivors of Abuse
Join us as we dive into the essentials of healthy relationships, emphasizing key dynamics such as respect, boundaries, empowerment, and communication. We'll explore the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships…
Virtual Training – Brain Injury Basics and HELPPS Screening
Brain injury among survivors of domestic and intimate partner abuse is incredibly prevalent. Often, abuse injuries occur to the head, neck, and face region, making the likelihood of a brain…
Virtual Training – Recognize, Respond, Refer for Healthcare Professionals
This presentation delivers an overview of domestic and intimate partner abuse, including health implications, trauma, brain injury, and best practice in screening, responding to disclosure, and offering referral. The training…
Virtual Training – Brain Injury Basics and HELPPS Screening
Brain injury among survivors of domestic and intimate partner abuse is incredibly prevalent. Often, abuse injuries occur to the head, neck, and face region, making the likelihood of a brain…